Sunday, April 29, 2012


Jason was at a retreat this weekend and the Ball's invited Cody and I to join them for breakfast at Chic-fil-a. We got there as fast as we could! The boys had so much fun! Jonathan went inside the play area with Kiley so she could play so Jennie and I spent an hour talking at the kids! Cody loves playing with David and Josh and it was a great way to start a Saturday! I am thankful for friends to do life with and our kids love each other! We missed Jason, though.
David (5 1/2), Joshua (2 1/2) and Cody (almost 3)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Texas Bluebonnets

Jennie and I took the kids to the bluebonnets!  We should have known getting them to sit and smile for a picture was way less fun than running through the, we bribed them with milkshakes at Chic-fil-a and got a few smiles from them.  
 Then we let them run!
 Cody told Jason all about the ladybugs and butterflies.  He said "Daddy, will you help me catch butterflies".  So we went and bought nets and took Jason back to the bluebonnets the next day! 
David, Joshua and Kiley
I loved the red flowers mixed in....

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Water Time

The warmer days are here and our backyard is going to be the place to be for our water-loving boy! In the winter we settled for fun bath times but he is excited to get to play with the hose and water outside again!  Kaitlyn sent me these pictures of their time outside last week! 

Date with Cody

Jason was out of town and Cody was such a trooper running errands with me late one afternoon.  So, I took him to Cici's Pizza and we had a fun dinner together.  This was the first time I have taken him to a restaurant just the two of us. (Notice his cars in the window sill...he never leaves home without a car in each hand)
He talks so much and is so fun to hang out with. I love watching his little mind work and how he asks us questions all the time.  I love it when he says "why, mommy/daddy, why?" when we answer him.  I love that if we ask him why he starts his answer with "because".  I love that he sees shapes every where we go.  I love that he notices letters and numbers and asks what they spell or what number it is. I love that he will start dancing when he hears music (he has done that since he was in my belly). Although he is beginning to show some frustrating signs of "being 3" he is sweet natured and a fun kid to be around!
Since he refused to look at the camera this was the best I could do to capture our time together!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wednesday's with Kaitlyn

We have been so blessed that I can continue to work and Cody is well taken care of at home! And I am thankful for a job where I can work part-time from home and part-time in the office. Cody attends pre-school Tuesdays and Thursdays and loves it so much that I'm already sad for him that he won't get to go during the summer. He wakes up on school days and says "I'm ready for school...time to get dressed!" He then starts naming his teachers and friends he will get to see at school and talking about what he will do. It's so cute to see the joy in his face and his delight for his friends! Every Tuesday night Kaitlyn comes and stays with Cody while we go and lead youth group.  She spends the night and then keeps Cody on Wednesdays while I go to work.  It's a great set-up and Cody adores her. She is so sweet to him.  Kaitlyn is an amazing piano player and Cody loves to dance and get out his other instruments while she plays! She even taught him how to play the harmonica. We have loved watching Cody grow to love Kaitlyn this year and are so thankful for her taking good care of him.  Here's a cute picture she texted me of the 2 of them. Makes my heart happy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter in Seymour

My mom, Cody and I went to visit my grandparents at their ranch for Easter. Jason had to be at church on Sunday so he couldn't go with us this time. My sister and Parker met us there as well. Cody was soooooo excited to see Parker! They had so much fun playing together and we all had fun watching them.

We spent Easter Sunday at my Uncle Carl and Aunt Cathy's house and they have this Mule or "monster truck" according to Cody that they let Lyndon (age 9) drive around. Cody and Parker had so much fun riding around with Lyndon (and an adult) and it was the highlight of the day! And Lyndon was a very safe driver!

The kids hunted Easter eggs and also played with confetti eggs.  Cody had fun throwing the confetti eggs and eating the m&m's out of his Easter eggs.
All 5 of the kids are 2nd cousins!
Kristin brough a blow up jump house filled with balls and the kids had fun jumping in it. 
The first thing Cody and Parker did when they woke up at the Ranch was jump!  It's a whole new concept when I have to keep an eye out for snakes while the kids play outside. My grandparents live in west Texas and it's rattlesnake territory.  I remember my mom always telling us to look for snakes when we were kids but its definately different when its my own kid! I love that they have on their Woody and Batman jammies!
Then we set it up again at  Aunt Cathy's...
Getting tired....
I love that we leave Seymour dirty and tired!  Cody was asleep in the car in less than 2 minutes and my mom and I enjoyed our visit on the 3 hour drive back home!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bye Bye Paci

Last Thursday we "broke" Cody's last paci. He has had 3 that he used and slept with and slowly they all "broke" (we cut off the ends). He has gone 4 days so far without a paci and for Cody this is a big accomplishment! He asks for it here and there but is ok when we remind him that they are broken. However, we don't mention it to him because if we tell him he's such a big boy and he doesn't need his paci anymore he says "no I'm not, I'm a baby". We are proud and relieved at how well he has done without it! After all, he has slept with it since his birth.
I love his Woody jammies!  He knows he looks like Woody and is so cute in them!