Sunday, April 7, 2013


On the way to church I told Cody that when we got home we would take him to do an Easter egg hunt. His reply was "Mom, it's not very fun to do an egg hunt by myself, can we see if David and Josh can go with us".  He had a point so I talked to Jennie at church and we met up with them for an egg hunt two different times that afternoon. He was so happy and all 4 kids had a blast!  Sadly, my camera was on the wrong setting the first half of the hunt so I don'thave any pictures of David or all the boys together.
He also had a little Easter egg hunt at school with his friends! (His lip injury was from his first bike crash)
We had a lot of fun teaching Cody about the meaning of Easter.  He seemed to "get it" more this year and could go through the story of Jesus with his ressurection eggs. It is so much fun watching his wheels turn as he is processing and thinking through things these days! He LOVES to learn! To say we are proud parents would be an understatement!

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