I never dreamed how much I would fall in love with this little boy! Having a son is so special and I treasure every day! I love the little things, like feeding him, giving him a bath, rocking before bed, singing songs to him, looking at books, exploring the world outside, deciding what to have him wear each day, going for walks, playing peek-a-boo, talking to him, narrating our day so someday he'll understand the words I'm saying, snuggling in bed in the mornings, going to get him when he wakes up from a nap and he's so excited to see me that he kicks his legs up and down until I pick him up, watching him get so excited when he realized Jason's home from work, giving him big hugs and when he leans in and hugs back, slobbery kisses, dancing/spinning around while he giggles and the list goes on and on! I love my little guy and I can't wait to watch the world through his eyes as he continues to grow!
Always looking around!
A little hug!
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