Cody is growing and changing so much! We are loving his little giggles! He has started reaching for things and puts them directly to his mouth! He has noticed his hands and looks at them all the time....or puts them in his mouth. He still eats 5 ounces every 3 hours (except at night). He is very alert! He notices when we are fixing his bottle and kicks his legs and smiles in excitement. He is constantly moving. When he's playing on his back he does what Jason calls his "happy dance". His arms and legs are moving in rapidly. He smiles all the time. He fusses when he's tired or hungry and whines when he needs a diaper change. He'll sit in our laps and observe everything that's going on. He loves looking at the TV and watching the colors. He rolls from his tummy to his back all the time and we are working on getting him to roll from his back to his tummy. He wakes up once a night to eat but goes back down easily. He likes the car better than he did...thanks to a few toys that strap to the carseats. He's a trooper and will go happily in and out of stores as we run errands together as a family. He wears 3- 6 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He had his first little cold that lasted about 2 days and was super snuggly when he didn't feel very good. He loves to "talk" and coos all the time....we loving hearing all his little sounds. We love this baby so much and count our blessings every day that he is a part of our family.
Okay sorry Jason but he's starting to look like Carley!! Love these pictures of him--He's adorable! And doing so much how fun to hear how he is growing!!
Hi! I'm Carley and I'm married to Jason! We have one son, Cody, who was born May 19, 2009 and a daughter, Karis, who was born May 14, 2013! We met on a blind date, dated for 10 months, were engaged for 5 months and have now been married for 8 1/2 years. Jason is a high school youth pastor and we are busy hanging out with teenagers! We love it and love the Lord! I have worked for a radio ministry for 12 years. We enjoy traveling, spending time with family, movies, long drives, adventure, mountains, cold weather, being at home, reading, going on walks and playing with Cody. I love to organize, hang out with friends, drink Dr. Pepper, eat chips and salsa, bake, go to bed early, wear my pajama's, go on walks and clean the house!
Okay sorry Jason but he's starting to look like Carley!! Love these pictures of him--He's adorable! And doing so much how fun to hear how he is growing!!